Chaos and Pain Legendary
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Chaos and Pain Legendary
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Strength Building Natural Testosterone Booster!
Strength Building Natural Testosterone Booster!Strength Building Natural Testosterone Booster!Ever wanted people to speak in hushed tones as you walked past and nod in deference to your insane physique? Well, that time may be upon you. The reason? Chaos and Pain’s newest entry into the strength-and-hypertrophy supplement market- Legendary.
To gain a full understanding of why this supplement is so revolutionary that it has the potential to turn you into a living legend, we need to look at the innovative blend of ingredients that comprises Legendary:
Epicatechin: Epicatechin a flavonoid with extremely strong antioxidant properties, insulin-mimicking properties, and a ton of real-world gym-related benefits. The reason it’s at the top of the list in Legendary is because we jammed Legendary with the maximum effective dosage of Epicatechin to ensure that anyone who takes it receives all of the clinically-backed increases in lean body mass, strength, and nitric oxide production- that’s right, not only will you be bigger and stronger with this stuff, but you’ll be dripping with vascularity as well.
Did we mention it's also a potent vasodilator? Not only will you get big and stronger with Legendary, but you also have the benefit of being more vascular.
5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin: 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin (aka Laxogenin), is a steroidal sapinogen that has been shown to have incredible anabolic properties. Though the initial press in 1996 was pretty outlandish, claiming that it (like other plant-based steroidal compounds) were just as good as pharmaceutical steroids, research seems to be bearing out at least some of the initial claims. Anecdotal tests have shown a 200% increase in protein synthesis, and all users of Laxogenin report vastly increased recovery and reduced inflammation.
Capsorb: Otherwise known as sodium caprate or sodium decanoate, Capsorb is a designed to the increase the oral bioavailability of poorly permeable compounds, by increasing absorption across the gut wall. Capsorb dilates tight junctions in the intestinal epithelium, increasing their permeability, facilitating paracellular transport (between the cells).
To gain a full understanding To gain a full understanding
Did we mention Did we mention
5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin: 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin:
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FDA: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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